Hazel helping the homeless
Hazel is an advocate for the homeless around Denmark, Western Australia
For many years, Hazel supported victims of domestic violence as they escaped their situation and rebuilt their lives. Nowadays, she’s focussing more on the homeless.
Once thought of as a problem in the big cities, homelessness happens everywhere. In August last year, Homeless Project Denmark found there was 181 homeless people between Cosy Corner and Walpole - you can guarantee the actual figure is higher.
“A growing concern is the long-term Denmark elders who are being made homeless,” Hazel said, “Along with single Mums living in buses with their kids.”
There's a small group of legends who work hard with Hazel to make a difference but they can't do it on their own. We can all help...
An easy way you can pitch in is by dropping food off in the cage at the big IGA in town, or at 6 Zimmerman Street, or between 11am-12pm on Wednesdays at the Uniting Church. Food requirements change regularly but seasonal fruit and veg is always needed. With current supply chain issues, there's a call out for cheese and other high protein foods (nuts etc), powdered and long-life milk, pet food, pasta sauces, coffee, tea and gluten free food. Or perhaps once a week, you could prepare an extra portion or two of a nourishing home-cooked meal - shepherds pie is always popular with young and old alike.
Other items are always needed too. Camping gear is accepted gratefully with a drive on at the moment for sleeping bags in particular. Also land on which to park up caravans is always being sought.
“If something doesn’t give soon, we’ll end up with a homeless camp” Hazel explained. “Unfortunately, this opens up a massive can of worms in terms of safety issues - there’s all sorts of concerns from toilets to sexual predators.”
With winter approaching, money donations are also welcome - the bank details for direct transfers can be found at the top of Denmark Homeless Project's Facebook page.