Broome Time
Cable Beach showcases one of Broome’s colour palettes
Driving into town, after a few months on the road, we’d already adjusted to Broome’s relaxed pace of life and were ready to enjoy its laid-back lifestyle and perfect dry season climate - 17-31C, cloudless skies and sunshine.
I found myself barely picking up my camera - too busy living life to photograph it. So, this blog post is more a collection of Broome snap shots. There’s photos of the endless white sandy beaches and aqua water of Cable Beach, famous for its sunsets, and of the contrasting vibrant pindan reds on the east-side beaches over which we often watched the moon rise. There’s images of sand and rock patterns, and the colours of the Kimberley.
So many evenings were spent cooking and chatting around the campfire with friends…our Broome-experience was very much about the people. We had plenty of quality time camping with old friends and lots of time to make beautiful new friends…so there’s some photos of our people in this blog post too.
We also had a very, very special week in Broome when our two dear old Dads, both in their mid-80s, came to visit us.
Our Dads’ visit was the only time on our WA adventures when we felt we were doing the tourist thing. Both first time visitors to the Kimberley we wanted them to really experience it, so we took them to Greg Quicke’s fantastic Astro Tours to gaze at the stars through telescopes big and small, and gain a new perspective on the universe - they talked about that for the rest of the week. We spent a morning watching snub fin and bottlenose dolphins on board a boat in Roebuck Bay with Broome Whale Watching. And we flew in sea planes up the spectacular coast of the Dampier Peninsula and across the Buccaneer Archipelago to experience the Horizontal Falls - an unforgettable experience.
But most days were slower - mornings often involved a stroll on Cable Beach, with afternoons spent hanging out at Town Beach watching the world go by. They enjoyed the coffee and the scene at the Good Cartel, and delicious lunches the Dragonfly Cafe. They wandered through Sobrane’s gallery and strolled around the Broome markets. They savoured their refreshing ginger beers and awesome food at Matsos, and one evening had a Happy Hour middy or two at The Roey…it was tradie-themed skimpy night - our Dads’ first ever skimpy experience! “That poor girl can’t afford clothes but she wears a tool belt well.”
(Broome was our base for two and a half months while we explored the Kimberley. In that time we did a side trip up the Dampier Peninsula, another to Derby and one to the far north east of WA, around Kununurra and Wyndham. If you scroll back through my Travel Journal you’ll find the links to those blog posts.)