East Kimberley
Exploring the far north-east of Western Australia was always in our minds when we left our home in Denmark on the south coast of WA back in March.
For weeks we discussed the idea of driving the Gibb River Road. It’s a sometimes gruelling bucket list item for many 4wd adventurers but there were two factors against us that we kept returning to…our dog Jazzy wasn’t allowed out of the car for a large part of the 660km track so we’d have dashed through those parts; and both our Dads were flying to Broome to visit us and we couldn’t afford for any of the multitude of GRR mishaps which might have stopped us getting back there in time.
So instead, we drove the 1000+ kilometres from Broome, via Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek, to check out Kununurra and Lake Argyle, spent several days in Wyndham (there’s several separate blog posts about our time there, and the characters we met), and explored the eastern end of the Gibb River Road.
On our drive back to Broome, we discovered a beautiful freshwater spring and permanent swimming hole south of Halls Creek with an appropriate early settler story to accompany it.