Portraits of Friends - Andre
Artist and visionary, Andre is the man who started the Denmark Arts markets, and indeed Denmark Arts itself. He flies under the radar most of the time these days, and I'm sure there's a lot of people here now who have no idea how much Andre shaped our little town. He's one of Denmark's original 'bloody hippies' and a bloody treasure.
I’ve photographed Andre many times over the years and have included some of my old favourites below the photos I took a few days ago.
Yagan Tower Exhibition
Beyond The Traffic Lights…One of the lovely, unexpected upshots from our 22,000km meander has been an exhibition of 100-plus portraits on Yagan Tower, in the centre of Perth….
Keith and Donna {lives well lived portraits}
With both time and health on my side (no weddings booked for this year and now almost fully recovered from pneumonia and legionella), I’m enjoying catching up with a few of Denmark’s locals. I spent the morning with Keith and Donna this week at their home, meeting their much-loved dogs Bella and Chloe, and getting to hear some of Keith and Donna’s story.
Portraits of an artist {a collaboration}
“There is something so deeply affirming and validating to have these parts of me captured in your photographs. I can see myself more clearly. I have tangible reminders of who I am. Thank you Nic, for your skill in capturing my essence and for the safe space you provided for me to express it.” Kate Gillett 2019
Salt Story Pt2 {portraits}
You may remember the earlier blog post about author and fisher, Sarah Drummond featuring images I'd taken of her and her dog Selkie at their remote hideaway in early autumn. I had driven home thinking about Sarah, completely at home in the elements...in her element, content in the isolation that others might consider to be desolation.